Sue Densmore Communication Strategies is a full service marketing and public relations consultancy. We specialize in product and service development for small and medium-sized businesses and organizations.

Business Services Plan Overview

The Goal:

To develop and grow a business with respect, high regard and support for the current core business and past success.

The Need:

Research and understand the real value and strength of past services, understand your customers needs and how your staff can continue to satisfy their expectations. Understand your competitors and the position your company holds in the market.

Evaluate the core areas that are the strongest revenue producers, review and evaluate core areas, and areas that may no longer be viable or should be updated. Review possible changes in the core business to be sure it can be sustainable in the future.

Review and evaluate the style of customer service, billing, confidence in services, business efficiency, public relations and marketing.

Review employee benefits, staff communication, efficiency and organization of offices, equipment, continuing education, team development and support for individual employee strengths.

The Process:


Interview owners and personnel. A printed survey will be distributed to each staff member, personal interviews can be done in person or over the phone with select personnel as needed.

Survey of Customers

A representative example of customers will be surveyed. This will be from a list of current, past and potential customers developed by individual business. These can be either be a person or phone interview. Additional surveys may be completed by mail.

Staff Retreat

A five hour full staff retreat and discussion will be held after the results of the surveys are compiled. A thoughtful planning discussion and SWOT (Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats ) analysis are the core parts of this retreat.

The Plans

A Business Plan

This would establish goals, objectives, timelines, budgets and expectations for the next 3 to 5 years. A six month review would be scheduled the first year, and after that an annual review will evaluate progress toward goals.

If the core business does not change, and it is just a matter of more of the same, the plan will include goals, timelines and budgets to accomplish that. If the core business is supported and there is interest in the development of new areas of expertise, or perfecting a category that needs increased income or more efficient time allocation there would be need for more research and development.

A Customer Service and Billing Plan

This would establish procedures, forms and evaluation of on-going customer satisfaction. Much of this can be done by in house staff. Some clarification will come from the research, surveys, and retreat. That should bring out examples of what works, some drafts of suggested procedures and the necessary forms that would need to be developed.

A Marketing Plan

This would include both in house training, forms and plans to make sure your personnel and customers present the company in a positive way. This would also include the development or updating of marketing pieces, including a new image, print media, bid proposal format, broadcast production, speakers bureau, and website.

If the current image works, then a review and update may be all that is necessary. The important thing is to have a consistent and professional style throughout all your marketing pieces.

Employee Benefit Plan

The need to review benefits in respect to input from staff is often needed. Profit sharing plans and incentives can be used to encourage and support a positive working environment and a common commitment to the success of the company.

This would include research into what is available, what is desired, and how positive incentives can be used to sustain and grow the company. Again, some of this would come from the staff surveys and discussion.

Cost of these services

An initial consultation is held at no charge to evaluate the services that may be desired by a client. Once the size of the staff, number of clients and issues at hand are evaluated a bid will be made for the cost. The process is very engaging, and interesting to accomplish and will help you and your staff gain new energy and insight on the focus of the business and how to grow into the future together.